Wednesday 23 September 2009

The Museum of Brands and Packaging

I recently visited London's Museum of Brands and Packaging, an experience which I doubt many others have achieved as the place is harder to find than a PC in a design studio. Once discovered within the labyrinth of streets and alleyways however, it is well worth the visit. Boasting a considerable collection of packaging and and posters for all of our favourite consumer goods from their conception up till the more recognisable recent designs, it is an exercise in nostalgia as well as an insight into the progression in the discipline. The sheer number of collected pieces combine into a dizzying plethora of colours that toy with your eyes in the dim light of the exhibit.
It was difficult to photograph in the low light without the use of flash, so alas the images below do not do the items justice. I have included them as a taste of the museum experience, and strongly recommend a visit if you're ever in London:

At the time of my visit, there was a feature on the history of Guinness design. Seemingly before the days of controlled censorship and trading standards, Guinness could make you healthier and stronger; and was what appears to be the pint of choice for large birds and lobsters. Below are a few examples of the many on show, and make a charming collection in my opinion.

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