Friday 12 February 2010

See What You Mean

We recently had the privilege of viewing a presentation lecture from Owen Johnson of See What You Mean studio, Cardiff. A charismatic talker with a an impressive slide show made for an insightful and worthwhile experience. While explaining the context of his graduation and arrival into the world of design, he enlightened us with some of the technological advances that the studio now deal in.

See What You Mean are now primarily a digital design service. They offer businesses strategy solutions for presentation that often take innovative and refreshing form. It was difficult to imagine their work as a more engaging form of power point presentation, but the benefits of the product lie in the ability to interest the audience in order to inform. There is no doubt that the design team from the studio are light years ahead in terms of digital software mastery, but it was the creative element that was showcased and emphasized as the most important skill a graduate can display.

Owen finished his talk by offering the opportunity to work in their office space. A chance to experience the working environment on a high-spec computer and witness first-hand the creative process of a successful studio. It is a shame that the space was offered to the entire year group, as there are some less prepared students that will benefit less from the experience but will no doubt apply nevertheless; adding to the plethora of applicants clogging Owen's inbox and junk folders. Despite this however, the talk can only have enriched our knowledge of the design industry and has personally inspired me to challenge my boundaries in the art of digital design.

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