Monday 26 April 2010

Minor Changes _ Hours of Work!

I have just completed an update of my website and portfolio. For the last few weeks, I have been making adjustments to work ready for reprint. Naturally, after every hand-in, there are aspects of the work that you would like to be changed. I have viewed all of my third year pieces as a work in progress; where I have been disappointed, I aim to rectify for the portfolio.

After completing my website in February, I thought it was time for an update. On first glance, it could appear that very little has changed. The background colour, and one or two pieces of work are the immediate visible alterations. In reality, it has been hours of photographing all of the featured work, editing the images, then recoding the site where the changes in work order have been made. After reviewing the site recently, I became frustratingly aware of the poor quality of photo that I had taken for much of the work. A quality photograph of a piece makes a world of difference, so I opted to improve the situation before I send applications for jobs and placements. There are also two changes in the featured work, where the others can be added to my larger portfolio; I think that it is important not to show all of the best work on the site, otherwise there is nothing new to bring to the interview scenario.

I am pleased with the outcome, and feel that it can only improve my standings as both a student at CSAD and in the dogfight of the current emploment situation. The address is still

Here are a couple of screen shots of how the site used to look...

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