Thursday 25 November 2010

Its a been a while...

My first blog post in months...

Following graduation, my intention was to document my journey into creative employment. And indeed I did journey. While I have missed an opportunity to log such a crutial time in my development, a review in hindsight maybe of benefit to similarly situationed graduates trying to find a job.

Graduating with a first class honours was admittedly a crucial mark on my CV. While it is not essential, it ensured that at least getting an interview was relatively trouble-free. I remember wondering at the time how to find out about vacancies. Write ‘designer vacancy’ into a google search and you may already be aware of the bewilderment that ensues. It seems that the alluring visage of convenience that recruitment companies offer well meaning employers has resulted in web-based chaos that will daunt the most willing job hunter.

Even if you find a job being advertising in your field; not knowing the company identity is a serious drawback. It makes the application process a game of russian roulette. I had numerous interviews. After a poor first interview, I found that communication was not the only trial. Psychometric tests and mock briefs only add to the difficulty in securing that essential first position.

Another avenue of job awareness was the University. An email from the former tutor was a welcome sight; if it had the details of a design vacancy that is. I applied for every position that I could; I always maintained that it would be a positive outcome whatever the result. A failed interview offered experience non the less.

Fortunately for me, I was offered a placement with a view for employment by a Marlow based studio during the third year show. I was confident that I would succeed in the branding environment after an enjoyable spell at Elevator two months prior. I travelled down on my Birthday, a week after returning to Shrewsbury from Cardiff. It seemed that the events of the final weeks of University and constant travelling had affected my concentration and I was unable to perform to the level that I know I can. Consequently, nothing came of the placement. It is still a regret of mine to this day.

Finally achieving employment was a strange relief. It is an inhouse position, admittedly not an area of design where I ultimately want to work in, but the opportunity to gain industry experience was enough to convince me to accept the offer. Working in a Marketing team for one of the UK’s largest Apple re sellers has already revealed many lessons to be learned.

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